====== Wiki Introduction Outline ====== ===== Public vs AREDN sites ===== * This site: [[https://wcaredn.ca]] * AREDN site: [[aredn>http://va7fi-linux.local.mesh/wiki]] ===== Quick Tour ===== * Structure of the site (so far). * ''home'' page name vs other name. * Difference between a "page" and a "namespaces" (look at the Sitemap) * Keeps media files organized (look at Media Manager) * Recent Changes ===== Your Turn ===== * Login as ''guest'' (password will be provided during the session) <- now disabled * Navigate to [[/Setups/YourCallsign/|/Setups/YourCallsign/]] and play around to get started on your setup page.((Note that while a page is being edited, it is "locked" and can't be edited by anyone else (hence we're all practicing on different pages).)) * In a few hours / days / weeks, when you feel your setup page is "worthy" of attention, add a link to it on the [[Setups/]] page. While you work on your setup page, I'll show you: * The Quickbutton bar * Save vs Preview * [[/wikisyntax/ |/wikisyntax/]] ===== Fixing Mistakes ===== * Recent Changes ===== Getting an Account ===== * Email me at [[va7fi@rbox.me]] * Subject line: ''wcarden account'' * Body: Your name and callsign And I'll reply with a temporary password (your username will be your callsign in lowercase). * You should then change your temporary password use the ''Update Profile'' link.