+Table of Contents

Mid-Island Area AREDN Telephone Directory

Callsign Name Number Direct IP Location Notes
Conference Call 2400 User pin for admin is 2400
K7JSP Jared 2209 North Edwards CA
VA7ASI Andrew 2230 Saltspring Isl.
VA7ASI Andrew 2238 Saltspring Isl. School phone
VA7DGP Don 2210 New Westminster
VA7DGP Don 2232 New Westminster
VA7DXH David 2223 Ladysmith AREDN IP phone in VA7DXH repeater cabin
VA7DXX David 2203 Ladysmith
VA7EFZ Scott 2231 Saltspring Isl.
VA7FI Patrick 2225 Roberts Creek Cisco SPA525G in the house.
VA7GFD FH1/ECC 2222 Gabriola Gabriola Fire Hall 1/ECC
VA7HU Hew 2221 Sidney
VA7ILO Nick 2235 Gibsons
VA7LMP Scott 2243 Qualicum
VA7MJZ Pat 2214 Parksville
VA7MLZ Michael 2219 Chemainus
VA7MPG Paul 2206 Gabriola
VA7PF Devan 2212 Ladysmith Ham Shack Phone
VA7TSA SA EOC 2239 Surrey
VA7TUF Marianne 2229 Saltspring Isl.
VA7UL Chuck 2234 New Westminster
VA7UL Chuck 2237 New Westmisnter Softphone
VA7WPM Mike 2207 Nanaimo
VA7WTB Wanda 2246 Gabriola
VA7XSK Peter 2224 Qualicum
VE7AX Don 2226 Parksville
VE7BEF Rich 2211 Gabriola
VE7EVS Bill 2244 Parksville
VE7FAA Randy 2205 Nanaimo
VE7FRG George 2213 Mill Bay
VE7GDE Jack 2215 Nanaimo
VE7JEY John 2208 Qualicum Softphone - Linphone App
VE7JEY John 2240 Qualicum Increased IP range, so IP changed
VE7KGV Kevin 2220 Parksville
VE7KOD Jessie 2236 Parksville Shack
VE7LSE Devan 2202 Ladysmith
VE7ODG Kyle 2200 Nanaimo Softphone
VE7ODG Kyle 2201 Nanaimo
VE7OPB Brent 2227 French Creek
VE7PMD Mason 2218 Nanaimo
VE7PMD Mason 2233 Nanaimo Softphone
VE7PTN Bruce 2247 Nanaimo Ham Shack Phone
VE7RBE Robert 2217 Gibsons
VE7RQX Ron 2245 Parksville
VE7SCE ECT 2252 Wilson Creek
VE7SCE EOC 2253 Wilson Creek
VE7TBP Marc 2216 Gibsons
VE7TOP Chris 2204 Nanaimo
VE7UY Gord 2228 Comox
VA7RJQ Richard 2248
VE7KOD Jesse 2249 Parksville Mobile


On the Cisco IP Phone SPA525G, dial *97 to access the voicemail. The options are:

2 Change folder
0 New messages
1 Old messages
2 Work messages
3 Family messages
4 Friends messages
# Cancel

3 Advanced options
5 Leave a message
– → 1 Enter an extension
– → 2 Use the directory
* Return to main menu

0 Mailbox options
1 Record unavailable message
2 Record busy message
3 Record name
4 Record temporary greeting
5 Change password
* Return to mail menu

* Help

# Exit

The option 351 is particularly interesting to leave a message when you don't want to receiver's phone to ring.

  • Click on the up/down triangles in the first row to sort the table by different columns.
  • To print, click on the Export to PDF button on the right hand side.