#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' LICENSE: Copyright (C) 2023 Patrick Truchon. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. ''' import time import urllib.request as urlr import threading import fnmatch import sys import json import os global json_pages date_time = time.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S', time.localtime()) if sys.platform == 'win32': script_path = os.path.abspath(__name__).rpartition('\\')[0]+'\\' else: script_path = os.path.abspath(__file__).rpartition('/')[0]+'/' ## Some user input variables: print('#' * 75) print('Before continuing...') print('Ensure that the file: lan_hostnames.txt') print(f'Is in this directory: {script_path}') print() print('Enter your node id or simply press Enter to use: va7fi-hapac3-1') my_node = input() or 'va7fi-hapac3-1' print() print('Enter the number of concurrent downloads or press Enter to use: 100') num_of_threads = int(input() or 100) def progress_bar(progress, total, start_time): ''' Displays and updates a console progress bar. Modified from: ''' bar_length = 57 status = '' ratio = float(progress) / float(total) time_interval = f'{(time.monotonic() - start_time):0.0f}s' if ratio >= 1.: ratio = 1 status = '\r\n' block = int(round(bar_length * ratio)) text = f'\r[{"#" * block + "-" * (bar_length - block)}] ' + \ f'{progress:.0f}/{total:.0f} {time_interval} {status}' sys.stdout.write(text) sys.stdout.flush() ## Download my_json ''' Format of sysinfo.json?link_info=1&hosts=1 which loads as a dictionary: { 'lon': '', 'sysinfo': {'uptime': '', 'loads': [x, y, z]}, 'interfaces': [{'name': '', 'mac': ''}, { , }], 'api_version': '', 'lat': '', 'hosts': [{'name': '', 'ip': ''}, { , }], 'meshrf': {'status': ''}, 'tunnels': {'active_tunnel_count': ''}, 'link_info': { 'x.x.x.x': { 'helloTime': x, 'lostLinkTime': x, 'linkQuality': x, 'vtime': x, 'linkCost': x, 'linkType': 'TUN', 'DTD', 'RF' 'hostname': '', 'previousLinkStatus': '', 'currentLinkStatus': '', 'neighborLinkQuality': x, 'symmetryTime': x, 'seqnoValid': false, 'pending': false, 'lossHelloInterval': x, 'lossMultiplier': x, 'hysteresis': x, 'seqno': x, 'lossTime': x, 'validityTime': x, 'olsrInterface': '', 'lastHelloTime': x, 'asymmetryTime': x } }, 'grid_square': '', 'node': '', 'node_details': { 'description': '', 'model': '', 'mesh_gateway': '', 'board_id': '', 'firmware_mfg': '', 'firmware_version': '' } } ''' my_url = f'http://{my_node}.local.mesh/cgi-bin/' \ + 'sysinfo.json?link_info=1&hosts=1' try: my_json = json.loads(urlr.urlopen(my_url, timeout=30).read()) except: print('\nsysinfo.json from your node could not be loaded. Check that you' + 'are connected to AREDN and that the following URL is valid: \n' + my_url) exit() ## Build list of nodes visible to my node. ''' The values in my_json['hosts'][i]['name'] are not all nodes. Some are LAN Hostnames. They will fail to download and will slow down the script so known ones can be added to the lan_hostnames.txt file to be ignored at the very beginning. Failing to exclude LAN Hostnames will NOT crash the script, but only slow it down while it tries to download non-existant json pages. ''' hosts = [] # hosts = nodes & LAN Hostnames. lan_hostnames = [] # known LAN Hostnames to ignore. nodes = [] # just the nodes without the LAN Hostnames. # Read lan_hostnames.txt if os.path.exists(script_path + 'lan_hostnames.txt'): with open(script_path + 'lan_hostnames.txt') as file: for line in file: lan_hostnames.append(line.strip()) file.close() # Read my_json and extract all the hosts from {'hosts': [{'name' : host}]}. for host in my_json.get('hosts', ''): hosts.append(host['name']) # Create list of hosts without the LAN Hostnames, and sort them. for host in hosts: if host not in lan_hostnames: nodes.append(host) nodes = sorted(nodes, key=str.lower) ## For each node, download the json pages and build a dictionary json_pages = {} # {node:json_page, ...} failed_nodes = [] # Nodes that failed to download. # Download json page for a node. Called repeatedly by the Threading process. def download_json(node): # some older firmware versions seem to require the 8080 port number suffix = '.local.mesh:8080/cgi-bin/sysinfo.json?link_info=1' url = f'http://{node}{suffix}' t_0 = time.monotonic() try: json_page = json.loads(urlr.urlopen(url, timeout=30).read()) json_pages[node] = json_page # Build the main dictionary. t_1 = time.monotonic() delta_time = t_1 - t_0 except: failed_nodes.append(node) # Note the failed nodes. t_1 = time.monotonic() delta_time = t_1 - t_0 pass # Download multiple json pages at the same time to improve run time. end = len(nodes) # Total number of pages to download start = 0 # First thread. This will change as it progresses threads = [] # In case where the number of nodes is less than the optimum number of threads: if end < num_of_threads: stop = end else: stop = num_of_threads print(f'\nAttempting to download {len(nodes):0.0f} json pages. ' + 'This could take up to 30 seconds.') # This loops starts the multiple downloads, but exits before they are finished. t_0 = time.monotonic() alive = True while alive: progress_bar(len(json_pages), len(nodes), t_0) # Set up the downloads between start and stop: for i in range(start, stop): node = nodes[i] thread = threading.Thread(target=download_json, args=(node, )) threads.append(thread) # Start the multi threading: for t in threads[start:]: t.start() # If all pages have finished downloading exit this loop alive = False for t in threads: alive = alive or t.is_alive() if not alive: break # Wait and calculate how many more pages to start downloading next: time.sleep(1) start = stop stop = stop + num_of_threads - threading.active_count() # Make sure that stop doesn't go over the total number of pages expected. if stop > end: stop = end # Exiting the loop before the pages finish downloading doesn't work with # the progress bar. # if start == stop: # break # Joining any remaining threads before continuing (just in case). for t in threads: t.join() t_1 = time.monotonic() delta_time = t_1 - t_0 # Print Download Results print(f'\n{len(json_pages)} / {len(nodes)} pages were downloaded.') if len(failed_nodes) > 1: print(f'{len(failed_nodes)} pages were not downloaded: ' + str(failed_nodes)[1:-1].replace("'", "")) elif len(failed_nodes) > 0: print(f'{len(failed_nodes)} page was not downloaded: ' + str(failed_nodes)[1:-1].replace("'", "")) # Remove failed_nodes from nodes for failed_node in failed_nodes: nodes.remove(failed_node) ## Write output files: files = [] topo = [] topo_inv = [] # Create two lists of tuples: # * topo = [(node, node2, link_type)] # * topo_inv = [(node2, node, link_type] for node in nodes: jp = json_pages[node] api_v = float(jp.get('api_version', '')) if api_v <= 1.1 or jp.get('link_info', '') == '': topo.append((node, '', '')) topo_inv.append(('', node, '')) else: for ip in jp.get('link_info', ''): node2 = jp.get('link_info', '').get(ip).get('hostname') node2 = node2.partition('.local.mesh')[0] node2 = node2.replace('.', '') link_type = jp.get('link_info', '').get(ip).get('linkType') topo.append((node, node2, link_type)) topo_inv.append((node2, node, link_type)) # Diagrams_Net.txt files.append('Diagrams_Net.txt') instructions = '''; ;INSTRUCTIONS: ;Go to ;Create a New Diagram ;Choose a Blank Diagram ;Click the + sign ;Select Advanced > From Text ;Select Diagram instead of List ;Delete the example and copy and paste the content of this file ;Click on View > Format Panel ;Right-click in the white space and Select Edges ;In the Format Panel, replace the arrow below the 1pt by None ;Move nodes1 around as needed ''' link_num = 1 lines = [] for i, tuple in enumerate(topo): if tuple[1] == '' or tuple in topo_inv[0:i]: pass else: lines.append(f'{tuple[0]}->{tuple[2]}->{tuple[1]}\n') link_num = link_num + 1 with open(script_path + date_time + '_Diagrams_Net.txt', 'w') as file: file.write(f';Found {len(nodes)} nodes and {link_num} connections.\n') file.write(instructions) for line in lines: file.write(line) file.close() # Topology_List.txt files.append('Topology_List.txt') with open(script_path + date_time + '_Topology_List.txt', 'w') as file: file.write(f'Found {len(nodes)} nodes and {link_num} connections.\n\n') for i, tuple in enumerate(topo): jp = json_pages[tuple[0]] api_v = float(jp.get('api_version', '')) if api_v <= 1.1: file.write(tuple[0] + '\n') file.write(' * The firmware is too old to get list.\n') elif tuple[1] == '': file.write(tuple[0] + '\n') elif i == 0: file.write(tuple[0] + '\n') file.write(f' * {tuple[1]} ({tuple[2]})\n') elif topo[i-1][0] == topo[i][0]: file.write(f' * {tuple[1]} ({tuple[2]})\n') else: file.write(tuple[0] + '\n') file.write(f' * {tuple[1]} ({tuple[2]})\n') file.close() # Topology.csv files.append('Topology.csv') header = 'Node 1,Node 2,Link Type\n' with open(script_path + date_time + '_Topology.csv', 'w') as file: file.write(header) for tuple in topo: jp = json_pages[tuple[0]] api_v = float(jp.get('api_version', '')) if api_v <= 1.1: file.write(f'{tuple[0]},The firmware is too old to get list') else: for elem in tuple: file.write(str(elem)) file.write(',') file.write('\n') file.close() # Node_Info.csv files.append('Node_Info.csv') header = 'Node,Lat,Lon,Grid Square,Desc,Firmware,API,Description,Uptime,' \ + 'Channel,Bandwidth \n' with open(script_path + date_time + '_Node_Info.csv', 'w') as file: file.write(header) for node in nodes: line = [] jp = json_pages[node] api_v = float(jp.get('api_version')) line.append(node) line.append(jp.get('lat', '')) line.append(jp.get('lon', '')) line.append(jp.get('grid_square', '')) if api_v > 1.1: line.append(jp.get('node_details', '').get('description', '')) line.append(jp.get('node_details', '').get('firmware_version', '')) line.append(jp.get('api_version')) line.append(jp.get('node_details', '').get('model', '')) line.append(jp.get('sysinfo', '').get('uptime', '')) line.append(jp.get('meshrf', '').get('channel', '')) line.append(jp.get('meshrf', '').get('chanbw', '')) else: line.append(jp.get('description', '')) line.append(jp.get('firmware_version', '')) line.append(jp.get('api_version')) line.append(jp.get('model', '')) line.append(jp.get('uptime', '')) line.append(jp.get('channel', '')) line.append(jp.get('chanbw', '')) for elem in line: file.write(f'"{elem}",') file.write('\n') file.close() ## Final Message files.sort() print() print(f'These output files were saved in {script_path}') for file in files: print(f' * {date_time}_{file}') print() print('Press Enter to quit') input()
setups/topology/python/aredn_info.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/28 18:47 by va7fi