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INTRO: does two things:
    1. It reads all   sysinfo.json?link_info=1&hosts=1   pages available on a
       given network and
    2. creates output files that synthesize the information.
Some limitations:
    * Some nodes have old firmwares with API version 1.0 or 1.1.  In these cases
      some information about the nodes is not available.
    * Currently, the API mixes Nodes with LAN Hostnames.  To save some time
      trying to download a non-existent page from a LAN Hostname, I added a 
      lan_hostnames.txt   file with a list of known LAN Hostnames to ignore.
      The script will NOT crash if it tries to reach a LAN Hostname, but it
      will try to download it for 30 seconds before giving up.
for details of the API used.
    * v2023.11.28
        - Updated syntax to modern formatted string literals.
    * v2023.11.21
        - Added an alternative script_path for use on Windows.
    * v2023.11.14
        - Fixed a minor bug to ensure that num_of_threads is an integer.
    * v2023.11.13
        - Fixed minor bug where some of the connections in the Diagrams_Net.txt
          file were duplicated resulting in nodes with two lines in the diagram.
          The issue was that I had the api_v as the forth element of topo and
          topo_inv, which meant that the condition if   tuple in topo_inv[0:i]
          wasn't catching duplicates if they had different API versions.
        - Added   input()   functions a the beginning so user can enter a
          different starting node than   va7fi-hapac3-1   and a number of
          concurrent downloads.
        - Added a line at the top of  Diagrams_Net.txt  and  Topology_List.txt
          with the number of nodes and connections found.
    * v2023.11.12
        - Re-wrote the whole thing from scratch to use the json files from the
          API instead of scraping the html
        - Renamed it and consolidated all the code under one file.
        - Still a few things to cleanup and add, but it's functional and much
          faster than the previous versions.
        - Note that some information might be missing if the API version <= 1.1
    * v2023.10.28b
        - Removed urls[] list so that the code is more general.
    * v2023.10.28a
        - Modified so that it can read the new layout of the
          Mesh Status page.
        - Fixed a small bug in where code was expecting
          plural neibhors and nodes instead of neibhor* and node*
          (lines 175 and 179)
        - Also updated my node URL on lines 39 and 40
    * v2021.12.20
        - Broke the code into different files.
    * v2021.12.16:
        - Code cleanup.  No new features.
    * v2021.12.14:
        - Set maximum number of concurrent threads to 30 to optimize the speed.
        - This version can take less than 10 seconds to process 85 stations.
        - Added two csv output pages.
    * v2021.12.13:
        - Code cleanup.  No new features.
    * v2021.12.10:
        - Uses threading to download all status pages into pages[].
        - It increased the speed by a factor of 5 to 10.
    * v2021.12.05:
        - Uses a list nodes2[] to organize information, which can then easily
          be formatted different ways.
        - Added format for and re-wrote
        - Added Human Readable output list.
    * v2021.11.12:
        - First working draft.
        - Takes about 3 minutes to process 85 stations.
setups/topology/python/readme.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/28 18:47 by va7fi